Any Chance of Tokyo Metro Lost/Found Success???

Update: Bag located! I was in Japan for work, so luckily had a contact to reach out to. They called the proper number and confirmed the items in the bag to match it to me. The hospitality in Japan is truly breathtaking and I can’t wait to go back. Thanks to everyone for the votes of confidence and positive feedback. And super thanks to those that offered to help!!

I’m currently on an airplane back to the US. Without my backpack that has my computer and other work items. Please tell me there’s someone that’s had success with the Metro lost and found?!?!
I was super rushed trying to get my child’s and my luggage on the train (Oshiage Station, Narita Access) and somehow left my backpack on a seat in platform 3. I didn’t even notice until three stops later. I know, I’m very, very, very stupid. I got to the airport and made the decision to board, as there wasn’t another flight out for two days to Denver and the airline check-in attendants were 50/50 on if it was worth it to go back to try and get it. Or whether it would be there or not. I made the impulse decision to take the flight. I need to get my boy home.
If there are any superheroes out there that have any suggestions, I’m here for it. I already made a lost and found inquiry online.
Japan was super awesome, until I managed to fuck it all up in the last hour.

by notsosinglebarrel

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