Living in japan, commuting to US to work regularly. How do taxes work in that situation?

We wanted to do a temporary move to Japan for maybe a year or two to broaden my kids life experiences. My husband and I plan to return to the US to work every other month as independent contractors (1099) for 7-10 days to maintain some sort of income. We are unsure what status we would have to establish in Japan in order to do this and what the tax situation would look like. We have enough saving where we would not be spending our income and it would remain invested in the US. Would we just just enter and exit on tourist visas because our stay period would be less than 40 days each time and then we don’t even have to think about Japanese tax issues and just pay the US taxes? Or do we need to establish some sort of residency visa because we would like to enroll the kids in school? then have to worry about the earned income in the US needing to be taxed in Japan? Would the nomad visa apply to us because we aren’t really working in Japan at all, we’re just commuting from there for our jobs in the US. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you.

by Used-Following3655

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