I cannot figure out the meaning of a couple lines in this song. Help!

As practice, I like to transcribe and translate Japanese songs on Genius Lyrics and whatever. The song in question, Particles by Infinity Frequencies, isn't even that long and is mostly simple. But part at the end (starting at 40 seconds) is really confusing me and I'd appreciate some input.

The first part of the song just repeats 「暑くて冷たい」over and over again. "Hot and cold". Really simple, I don't need help. But at the end of the song, there are more words. Something like:




And then it goes back to something sort of more comprehensible? Just saying 「ブルージェイ、誕生」a couple times. "Bluejay, birth". Who knows what that's supposed to mean, but the words are pretty obvious.

But back to the confusing part. Based on how the singer speaks, it sounds like he says, 「Slow motion。です妙な、balanced bodyを持ったice cream。」 If that stupid desu wasn't spoken aloud as if it was part of the same sentence as the 妙な, I'd say he was saying, "It's slow motion. Ice cream with a strangely balanced body/flavor." But it's spoken like the desu goes with the second sentence and not with the slow motion part. Any thoughts?

Also, any advice on the best word to use for 妙? I know "strange" doesn't encompass its full connotation of being unnaturally strange, or there being a cause for the strangeness.


by Sworishina

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