Quitting my direct hire contract early – anyone experienced going through this?

Hello everyone! First of all please excuse my grammar, I am not a native speaker.

I got hired as a direct hire alt under a boe since april but I am planning to quit right after the first semester ends. While I felt really lucky to land this job (being NNS and all), I felt disheartened of the fiscal year appointee status because it means my goal of applying for PR through tenure and long term visa is almost impossible (I have read some alts staying at the same boe for 14 years as a direct hire then was let go and didn't get the chance to apply for PR as they only have one year visas in those 14 years).

Recently I recieved another job opportunity from one of the largest companies here in Japan, not teaching related and it is a regular position compared to being a fiscal year appointee.

So, does anyone here have an experience like this? Quitting from a direct hire position early into the contract? How did your boe responded? Should I tell them the truth that I am leaving because of another job oppotunity?

I will give more than 30 days notice plus they have the whole summer to look for my replacement.

Thank you in advance!

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