Is it worth sacrificing IB to do an exchange in Japan?

I'm a first year in high school and have had plans about being an exchange student in China, Australia or Japan. (I will make a post like this for the other countries, this one is specifically for Japan.)

My reasons are that I want to experience a new culture, learn the language and find friends abroad while studying. Im not sure what I want to become in the future, but most likely something within technology and health/medicine. (School counselor told me that the countries above are good for my interests)

My exchange year will be in second year of high school. However, if I want to exchange there, I'll have to quit IB in my second year. That means I won't be getting my IB diploma. I know that the IB diploma opens many big doors for my future. I've already talked about this with my school counselor and parents, and its up to me. I just want to know if this is worth it.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that im from Norway. I am currently in VG1 (USA's equivalent to 10th Grade: Sophomore Year).

by WiseKingMQ

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