Moving to France as a Spaniard (Japanese pension, less than 10 years)

Found similar posts, but not exactly on the same topic, or with the same complexity.

I have been living for 7 years in Japan and plan to leave by the end of September. By then I will have worked in Japan and contributed to its pension system for 6.5 years.

I previously worked for 18 months in Spain (more than 2 years if internships are also added, which is a thing now, but maybe not when I did them in 2011-2014. I will check this).

Starting October 1st, I will be working in France and contributing to its national pension system. This is not an expat move. I am local here and will be local in France. The company group is the same (been working for the Japanese branch and will work at the French HQ).

Now, regarding the amount I paid so far to the Japanese system, I've received different statements:
– The support team in France in charge of immigration tells me that, since there is an agreement between France and Japan, I essentially don't need to do anything. The number of months I paid into de Japanese system will count as credits in the French one (though at the lowest rate in terms of money). It will take some time, and I should keep all documents I have on my 年金 payments, but it will eventually be reflected in the French pension system.
– My company's HR team in Japan tells me I would be receiving a lump sum from the Japanese government, most likely at some point in 2025. According to HR, agreements are only for 駐在 (expat) people.

My questions are:

・What would apply to me? Lump sum or automatic system between both countries?
・Also, would my time in Spain have any influence? I understand that, Spain and France both being EU members, their pension system are more or less integrated?
・In the case of a lump sum, would it be subject to Japan or France tax? Should I manually add it to the French system?

Thanks you for reading

by Dalamar7

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