Japan weight loss / fat burn medicine

I know that weight loss is will work by doing exercise and calorie deficit, there’s no shortcut for it. But yesterday when I went to the drug store found this pills for fat burning and I’m a bit intrigued. Well I assumed it’s for weight loss since it got overweight person and BMI in it. Is it really working? Which brand is the best?

  1. It’s probably some form of appetite suppressant, supposedly makes you crave food less. I have a friend who swears on the pills helping him loose a ton of weight, but they still don’t burn fat magically and basically still depend on your own will power to stay away from snacking.

  2. The only thing you’ll lose with those gimmicks is cash, and maybe some water weight.
    You’ll need to know the active ingredients in that garbage to get more specific on *how* it won’t work for fat loss, though.

  3. Most of those are total frauds – all you’ll lose is money. They aren’t regulated because they’re herbal, and if they have any effect at all, it’s usually because they’re loaded with caffeine.

    Save your money, have a cup or two of coffee or green tea instead, and up your protein intake.

  4. To add to what everyone else has said — if these were miracle weight loss pills, you wouldn’t be hearing about them for the first time in a random Japanese drug store

  5. “Fat burners” in Japan like Naishitoru are just TCM herbal blends with a bit of ephedra.

  6. Exercise is only tier 2 stuff. If you want to weight loss you need to control your diet. And fasting is one of the best ways. All research acknowledge this. Cut carbs which is super hard in Japan, don’t eat supper and keep your meals within 8 hours per day. If you really want a drug to help you weight loss and stay young it’s metformin or however it’s spelt, the diabetes drugs. Rest is waste of time

  7. The only ones that “work” come with some pretty serious side effects and dangers. Some of them can even kill you. The others, like the ones in the drugstore, just drain your wallet.

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