A typhoon near Tokyo is forecasted for this Friday (Ventusky.com)

A typhoon near Tokyo is forecasted for this Friday (Ventusky.com)

by LuborS

  1. I am supposed to climb Fuji for my birthday on Thurs/Fri, am I screwed? Got a mountain hut and everything

  2. I know it’s a lot further out but what are the chances that this impacts a flight on Tuesday the 20th?

  3. This thing has been sitting just off the coast for days, barely moving.

    I’m a pilot who flies into Japan every now and then, we had to go around it on the way into Narita on Friday, and it was in the exact same position Sunday evening when we left.

  4. Shit, I have shinkansen tickets to Tokyo on Thursday, was planning Disney on Friday, and then tickets back on Saturday… Guessing I should cancel it all? Does anyone have any insight 🥹

  5. So if I live and work in Tokyo, do I have to adjust in any way? Like make sure to get my grocery shopping done before Friday and work from home? Would it be dangerous to go outside at all or will I just get pretty soaked by rain?

  6. I’m moving out of Japan in a couple weeks and I guess the country wants me to make sure I experience everything Japan has to offer before then 😅

  7. the way i’m supposed to arrive at haneda friday early in the morning…

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