Confused about 食品衛生責任者 (food sanitation manager)

Hi everyone, I need some help as I’m really confused.

I’m planning to rent a cafe once a month and hold an international food tasting event. From my research I understand that I don’t need any kind of license for cooking and serving drinks, except the food sanitation manager license.

Now, I’ve found a couple of places available and both of them gave me the ok, meaning I can just rent the place and do whatever I like under their current license.
Just to double check I’ve called the local authority and they told me that I can’t do anything unless the person who hold the license is present during the event.

Am I missing something? Is there any other kind of license that cover the the place and not just the single person who owns it?

I don’t know what to do, cos both of the places told me there’ll be no problem at all… I just don’t want to get in any trouble and make sure before proceeding.

  1. Isn’t this the one day sanitation course someone in the organization needs to do, but it doesn’t have to be the people actually handling the food? I’m rusty on the details but we looked into what we need to do to sell chili peppers and we’re to told that one of us has to have a sanitation license. Didn’t matter who just as long as someone could be held accountable I presume. For now we’re going in a different direction for selling our chilies but will need that certificate at some point. I assume you need it because the cafe isn’t in charge on your days.

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