Engineer Visa: What are my chances?

I've been working as a software engineer for a small Japanese organisation for a year and half now, and they're sponsoring a visa for me.

From my research into the subject, it'll likely be under the Engineer/Specialist in humanities/International services visa.

My manager mentioned that clearing the JLPT N3 would look much better on my application and they can't say for sure if it'll be approved or not. (I just attempted the N4 this July)

Keeping this in mind, I wanted to know my chances. I have a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and I've been working as a software engineer for 4 years or so now.

Tldr; haven't cleared JLPT N3, have bachelor's degree in Electrical/Electronics engg, been working as SWE for 4 years, what are my chances for the Engineer Visa?

by Top-Area1947

  1. You have a degree and a job.

    That’s literally all there is to it. Unless your company is somehow in immigration’s crosshairs for other infractions or has never sponsored a visa before those are the only criteria.

    Your JLPT level doesn’t matter at all. Your years of experience help but don’t really matter that much since you have a degree. Your manager is over-thinking it.

  2. 100% Chances.

    I have EE degree, my company applied for my COE with Engineer/humanity type visa and it was accepted. I dont have JLPT test and it was not required.

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