90% Of Married Japanese Men in Their 20s & 30s Were in Sports Clubs


I know that Japan has a birth rate issue right now as well as something around 1 in 4 men in the 30’s population aren’t married or how 4 out of 10 in their twenties have never dated. Just wanted reddits thoughts on this analysis. In the article it has a link to the mentioned study.


  1. I feel it just states the obvious. Being healthy and sociable will certainly increase your chances of getting married.

  2. >90% of currently married men in their 20s and 30s were in an athletic club at some point during their school days.

    About 77% of 8th grade boys belonging to sport team(運動部) in junior highschool according to Ministry of Education.

    68.8% sport team in school
    8.2% sport team in school + sports club in the region

    I’m pretty sure 80-90% of single men were in an athletic clubs at some point of their school days too.

    Edit: it seems they have to pick between 運動部、文化部、帰宅部 in that case, the study makes sense, that is quite different from *at some point during their school days* though, most would choose one based on what clubs they were in highschool.

  3. Considering that just about every Japanese high school student joins a school sports club at some point I’m not sure how meaningful that correlation is.

  4. Doing sports and exercise boosts libido significantly, also confidence. That’s from experience.

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