How to get over the shame of being interested in Japan as a white guy?

Feels silly, but I’m genuinely so embarrassed to tell people about it. I’ve never been obsessed or anything and I recognize Japan as its own country with flaws like any other of course. I’ve been “learning” Japanese for years, my interest started when I was 12/13 but only started really taking it seriously this past year because I started taking it in college. I’m thinking of majoring in Japanese because its honestly the only class that I’m really genuinely motivated in, so I’m currently taking a language class and a culture class. But I’m kind of ashamed to tell people about it because I don’t want to be seen as that guy. Obviously I’m interested in Japanese media (though I don’t really watch anime anymore which is mostly because I hardly watch anything at all these days, so really it’s mostly music I’m into) but I don’t know. Maybe I’m overly concerned that I’m fetishizing the culture or will be viewed that way at least. I’m both concerned about my perception and that I am “that guy” though I don’t think I am. I’m actually way more interested in the language than anything else, I’d major in linguistics if my school had it.

Idk, maybe tumblr moral righteousness culture has just gotten to me too much. That’s probably where the problem stems from. I could also be overly worried about other people’s perception of me.

by hole_dwelling

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