How to self-study past N3?

Hello. I've been learning Japanese somewhere between 2018 and 2022 and got N3 certificate. Then I dropped learning for a while, then started again in 2023 for about a year. Every time it were proper lessons with a teacher.
Unfortunately, now I don't have enough time to learn Japanese this way because I learn Greek, so I don't have enough time. Greek is my #1 priority right now, but I still worry that my Japanese is getting worse.
I come to Japan every year, and I am still able to have a conversation there (I went to a maid cafe last time to check it lol). But I'd like to start improving my Japanese once again.
I'm a huge fan of Anki, so all the vocabulary and kanji learning I do exclusively there (I make cards myself from lessons and other sources where I met something new).
Do you have any suggestions on what would be the best way to maintain and learn Japanese for me now, keeping in mind that I can't do it "full time", and only as a background activity?

by slavam2605

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