How screwed am I? Water + fungi on rental place

I’m about to move to another place and return the house I currently live in. But I’m afraid of the inspection result since one room has water damage + fungi.

The damage was caused because we left a window door barely open without noticing during heavy rain, and we didn’t notice that water had accumulated on the floor until multiple days later. The color of the floor plus a very solid curtain that sits on that corner ended up hiding the water completely.

After noticing we put multiple towels + fans and tried to dry the flooring as much as we could but it was too late, most of the water had absorbed into the wood and it was all swollen up.

We finished drying it and thought not much could be done for now so we checked a couple of times afterwards and then forgot about it (I know big mistake).

Now when I was inspecting the house I found that mold grew and covered maybe around 30-40cm of the wall paper in that corner and some fungi grew in a couple of corners on the wood. Those appeared in the frame of the window door, in the floor and inside an immediate closet.

Overall the (visible) affected area is around 50cm with fungi/mold + maybe around 1m for the damaged floor where the water damage is visible due to discoloration.

So… how screwed am I? Anything I can do?

(Wanted to share images but they don't seem to be allowed in this subreddit)

by K0muri

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