Japan bus operator punished after passenger ordered off vehicle for not wearing mask – The Mainichi



  1. I don’t really get it; if the bus company is private, can’t they decide to impose the wearing of a mask to its passengers and refuse to serve them if they don’t comply?

  2. A bit ridiculous that they have to discipline the driver for trying to enforce a rule that’s plastered everywhere.

    Same with the announcements in local super markets “We may refuse to serve you if you don’t wear a mask” – Yes you may, but I am sure you won’t.

  3. I feel sorry for the driver.
    But the Japanese public don’t plan to get up and move on from Covid mentally for the next 15 years and in that time something else will come along.

    Japan needs to get up and get moving already.

  4. A wrong verdict! The bus company is a private business and they should be able to make their own rules.
    The woman chose not to wear a mask. This is not discrimination.

  5. My wife is Japanese and a bus driver in Vancouver ordered to leave the bus because she was wearing a mask. (15 years ago). Is that an interesting and relevant contribution to this post? Probably.

  6. The Japanese government drop the mask recommendation or not?? I remember a few months ago when they were urging people that “they no longer need them outdoors”.

  7. The bus driver shouldn’t be punished – all public transportation has signs requesting people to wear masks. If people want to be selfish and not wear a mask in a confined space, then they should drive themselves.

  8. I got on a Keisei bus in the morning just over a week ago and had my mask down while drinking my coffee, the driver made an announcement for me to put my mask on which at the time seemed like he was centering me out cause I’m a foreigner but I guess they’re still just paranoid…the Japanese aquaintances I told of the incident were just as shocked as I

  9. The driver was right.
    Lots of us have pre-existing conditions and have a right to travel in situations that are as safe as possible. What a selfish buffon this woman is.

  10. Half Japanese, lived about 30/30/30 around the world for Japan, North America, Europe.


  11. So the company didn’t tell their employees what to do if passengers break their posted rules, but punished him for doing something? Seems a little silly. If anything the company should have apologised and informed all their employees of the correct procedure.

  12. Americans, send this link to your friends back home if they give you shit about why you live in Japan. Along with a comparison of Covid death numbers.

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