Conbini staff read my bill…

So I already noticed that for some reason foreign conbini staff often feel they can ask me personal questions during check-out. Like where I'm from, how long I'm living here, if I live close by, etc… I'm usually answering shortly but politely, except of the question about where I live, but I honestly prefer to just pay my stuff without chit-chat as antisocial as it may seem.

Anyways, today I had to pay some bills at the conbini and I noticed the staff reading my bill after I paid. It made me uncomfortable, but first I was just like "Why does he need to know how much electricity I pay?", but after I came home I realized my name and address is actually on that bill and now I feel really paranoid about him knowing where I live.

Has this ever happened to anyone else here? How did you handle the situation? I don't really know what to do to avoid this happening again, except trying to pay as many bills as possible by LinePay or check if it's possible for the company to take it out of my bank directly. I have some bills I can only pay at the conbini, though… :/

by yIwantu

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