Anyone have experience building with Sweden House?


I am in the process of building a home with Sweden house and am curious about others experiences with them. We got a final estimate for the house from them and in their itemized breakdown of costs they had a big expense called "Other Expenses (その他諸経費)" and my wife and I are unable to get a clear answer as to what this means. The sales rep said

Regarding the various expenses you inquired about, there is no detailed breakdown. We are recording them as necessary expenses for building a house. We are setting them based on site expenses and general expenses, and the rate seems to vary depending on the company. We are including expenses necessary for people to move around.

To me this sounds weird since I would assume any expenses like that are built into the costs for actually building the house (本体工事). The other part that is weird is in a previous email he said the cost varies depending on the cost of the total construction and any incidental work. So if we spent more on windows or a kitchen that would increase this expense.

I have so far asked two people, sister-in-law who is an architect says she doesn't really know what this is but she thinks they will just deduct this amount at the end and say that is a discount they are giving us. Another friend who built with a different company says they have never heard of this.

They want us to sign a final contract next week but my wife and I are pushing for more clarity on this big expense before doing anything.

I would also be curious to hear for folks who did build a house if their builder included any sort of discount up front in the final estimate, if they gave a discount at the very end, or if they gave no discount at anytime. Sweden house was eager to finish building the house in March to count the sale towards their 2024 numbers and said if we can meet their timelines they would offer some sort of a discount but it has all been informal so far. I assumed they would include the discount upfront but so far it doesn't seem to be the case. My sister-in-law says it depends on building companies and my friend who recently bought a house said they were told about any discounts in their final house estimate

Thanks for reading through the very long post 🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️

by ksivaranjan

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