Job and visa type change during PR application

Hi friends, would like your help understanding if changing jobs right now means I’ll automatically fail my PR application:

  • converted to HSP visa in Q4 2023 (80+ points)
  • applied for PR in Q2 2024 (HSP route, over 1 year with 80+ points)
  • considering changing jobs for WLB and passion
  • new job comes with a sizeable pay cut, will need to convert from HSP to Humanities

I wish I had the fortitude to hang on until my PR is approved, but the waiting time is now ~14 months, which means I’ll have to stay at my current job until at least the second half of 2025!! My mental health has deteriorated a lot and I’d very much love to start building experience in the field I’m actually passionate about.

I read a few posts about people getting their PR applications approved even though they changed jobs (and some even visa type) during the process. Do I need to maintain my HSP status and 80+ points until my PR is approved? Or is it alright to take the leap?

Thanks a lot in advance 🙂

EDIT: Wow, I’m moved by how supportive the community is. Never expected to receive this many detailed replies early in the morning, and within just a few hours of posting. To everyone here, please accept the GREATEST GRATITUDE from the bottom of my heart!

by little_puffa

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