Reality check: Moving to Japan for one year as a skilled IT/Robotics consultant without Japanese

Hello, I would like to get a brief reality check if my idea of moving to Japan temporarily is realistic:

  • I have a German passport and speak fluent English.
  • I have a PhD in computer science and several years of work experience.
  • I have no knowledge of Japanese, but would make an effort to learn. However I am under no illusions I will quickly become proficient enough that it would be sufficient for business.
  • I can fund the initial costs (plane tickets, visa costs, deposit, some months of rent).
  • My intention is to move to Japan for about a year in order to explore the country, live in a big city and expand my horizons a bit after living in the countryside for a bit too long.

Is it possible to find a job and move to Japan under these conditions? Is the total lack of language knowledge an immediate show stopper? What factors am I not considering which might bite me later?

Thanks for your help 🙂

by bad-alloc

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