40yo: quit job and go to language school

I know these kinds of posts usually created by young adults fresh out of college, but I wonder if anyone have same-ish experience.
– 40 yo, single, no kids
– not American, so no big salaries with with tasty currency convert, 1USD = 2x my currency.
– burned out

I work in IT, and I’ve tried to find a job in IT in Japan, but honestly applying and getting it from overseas looks like a rat race, competing with tons exFAANG and alike for 5-7 interviews in noname startup for peanuts salary. Honestly, I’m already tired just thinking about this.

My current job doesn’t allow me to work remotely from Japan, if they would, I’d just get DN visa.

All and all, I just feel so tired working in IT, this constant “I’m smart, I’m enthusiastic about all the bullshit I have to learn and all this after hours”… I want to be careless again, and only learn what interesting for me (Japanese), without full time job. Or part time job even. I just don’t want to work at all.

So my plan to get N5 exam, save enough money for 1-2 years without work and get on with it. I doubt I can do it in my 50s. And having a break from career for one year doesn’t sound too bad?
What do you think? Anyone have similar experience?

by Far_Psychology_Man

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