So in the course of my business I’ve reached a point where I’d like to branch out and use the services of a few people but I’m a little confused on if different types of services require different tax measures and documentation. I do not plan on ‘hiring’ anyone full time as an employee, all will be a contract or project by project basis, but I have a few scenarios if anyone is able to help:
Hiring an artist or programmer – if I for example want to pay someone monthly for doing art for my project, should I be itemizing billing based on say time and sending a monthly receipt with one item ‘this months work on project x hours’ or do I need more specific deliverables? And do I need to add 10% consumption tax to it? If it was for a ‘one off’ event like e.g. payment for a character design does that change anything?
Hiring an actor for an appearance in an advertisement. Again should I bill per the scene appeared in and add 10% to the receipt? What if the video itself is a product I want to sell, like a live action side story, does that change anything in that regard?
I guess one I’m asking is for most cases can I just send an itemized 領収書 like this (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyHAauPd54G5UIsE5qemr-IfxRo4uWSNt0dkTNXIpQuujj6ogjcfVzetg&s=10), with the price of services agreed beforehand (whether in a written contract or not), plus 10% tax, and that’s OK? Or is there anything I’m missing?
Also, does anyone know what kind of accountant services are best to bounce these kind of questions off for a fee? I have a personal tax accountant who does my 年末調整 but he’s more of a ‘just give me the receipts and I’ll total it up’ kind of thing more than an advisor (though he does have a ridiculously expensive contract 顧問 service).
Thanks again for all the help.
by CommerceOnMars69