Thank you from a tourist!

Hello! First time poster here, and I apologize if this isn't the appropriate place for this but I'm not sure if there's a better one. Anyway, my wife and I just arrived home from a long dreamt of trip to Japan, and I just wanted to say how lovely Kyoto was and to say thank you for allowing us to visit. From what I've seen tourism in Japan has been a hot-button issue lately, and I can certainly see why considering we saw our share of rude tourists. I know we weren't perfect, but at least we tried our best to be respectful. Moving on, the entire city was just so lovely and we really enjoyed visiting the cultural sites and shops. If anyone here is ever interested in visiting our home city of Baltimore, Maryland, please feel free to reach out for advice! I'd love to be able to share it with people from a place that meant so much.

by AndonutsForever

  1. Well at least you tried and are grateful for the experience, good for you!
    Sadly not everyone gets that

  2. I absolutely loved Kyoto and met wonderful people there that I hope to one day see again. Partied with random people multiple nights til 4-5am. Sang karaoke with so many people. Me, asking people to sing japanese songs and them asking for American music in return. Wonderful experience.

  3. Just returned home after 2 weeks in Japan. Sadly, we encountered rude and loud tourists on the bus and trains. We were on a train from Hiroshima peace park to the train station and there were 4-5 teens standing in the way, talking so loudly and singing all the way during the journey and the best parents did was occasionally a shh but that was ignored.
    What is the point of visiting a place if you don’t try to understand their culture and try your best to fit in.
    My daughter was placing her luggage in an unreserved compartment on Shinkansen from Hiroshima to ShinKobe but she was pushed by a guy in his 20s and sat down in the seat!
    Vast majority of the tourists are good though, and we absolutely loved Japan and my daughters want to come back when they are older on their own.

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