Staggered move back to US: Question on taxes and timing of notification of leaving

Situation: I moved with my family from US to Japan in March 2024. Always intended to stay for one year of less. I have dual citizenship and used JP passport to secure visa for wife and son. We have been paying pensions payments, and both wife and son are under my NHI. I work remote for US company and paid in USD. I will pay taxes on salary earned while in Japan in 2024; I won't have any earned salary in Japan in 2025.

Due to work responsibilities I will need to leave at end of 2024, however wife and son likely will stay for a month (max 3 months) longer. I will come back to Japan for a week or so to help them pack and fly back with them.

Question: How to handle staggered move back to US, particularly with regard to taxes, health insurance and visa status? Here are possible options:

1) Pre-pay health insurance for first 2-3 months of 2025 to cover wife/son for additional time. Pay my 2024 taxes using the Quasi-Final tax form before I leave. Submit all notifications for leaving Japan, leave before 12/31. Come back later to help them move back. I think this would be cleanest break for me (tax wise, etc) but not sure if this impacts wife/son visa status or NHI coverage?

2) I leave Japan at end of 2024, continue paying NHI and pensions normally, and come back later to submit all notifications for leaving Japan at same time as wife/son. Pay 2024 taxes "normally" (no Quasi-Final form) by March 2025. As I would have no Japanese income in 2025 I don't think I need to pay 2025 taxes, but I would still technically be a resident in 2025 for a few months so not sure what impact this has.

Is there any benefits for one option over another? Is there another option I'm missing?
Is there something I am forgetting?


by kendo581

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