Male Medical Question: What kind of doctor do I see for this particular issue? (Some Squicky Details Inside)

So from this morning, I have noticed that suddenly my left >!nut is twice as large as it was the day before. It’s not the ball sac is swollen, just the nut inside. It’s more painful to the touch but doesn’t hurt when you don’t touch it. I’ve checked and it still performs its one assigned function adequately as far as I can tell. I’m close to 50 years old.!< I know you don’t need that much detail about it, but I’m sure someone was going to ask anyway so I might as well throw it in there.

Anyway, What kind of doctor do I see for something like that? I don’t even know what they’re called in English. I can speak Japanese well enough so it doesn’t to be an English speaking one; I just need to know how to say it in Japanese so I can find one in my area. Pet theories, armchair diagnoses, and anecdotes are also welcome cause why not?

  1. A Urologist.

    Although given what’s wrong I’d go to the local hospital ASAP and let them find you a specialist.

  2. Had the same issue at 38. Went to Dr. He sent me for ultrasound. That ruled out cancer or anything too serious. It went away on its own after 24/48 hours. It’s sensitive equipment.. not saying ignore it, just saying don’t worry.

  3. Testicular torsion is a real thing see a doc asap… er or hospital. Cancer too can be a thing, infection also. It isn’t something to wait on.get it seen. If it turns out to be nothing no big deal you were just being cautious. A lot of these things if caught early can be fixed, if not permanent damage. Best to err on the side of caution.

  4. Like everyone else is saying, go see a doctor to make sure it isn’t something like testicle torsion, but you would probably know it’s that because you would be in extreme pain. It might be epididymitis, a hyrdocele, or something worse. Epididymtis at least what I had feels sore where the vas deferens connects to the testicle.

  5. I like being a contrarian. So I say, don’t worry. It’s probably nothing. Stay home and have a beer.

  6. You might have an infection. Go to the hospital and just legit tell them the issue with your symptoms. Don’t be shy, don’t beat around the bush. Legit tell them the problem. They will send you to the right place.

  7. Get thee to a 救急病院 **immediately**. If it’s testicular torsion you need it taken care of immediately or you’ll lose the testicle. There is no “good news” explanation for badly swollen balls so do not delay seeking treatment.

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