Vocab decks on Anki are getting a bit soul crushing, what should I do?

I started a Vocab deck on Anki (the 2k/6k deck, though one that I downloaded through a mega link from a YouTube video description, that apparently has better formatting than the ones on Ankiweb.) and it's starting to feel a little soul crushing. The most recent words I'm learning (くれる、あける、あげる、ひらく、いれる、はえる、とじる and some more, seemingly identical words, at least to me.) are so hard for me to differentiate between, and the last few days have been misery as a result. Not only that, but when I do get them it feels more like luck or process of elimination, not actually knowing the meaning, so all my suffering doesn't even feel like it yields results. My general question, is if I should just keep hammering my head against them until they 'stick', or if there's a better way to go about this.

by frostking104

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