eSim w/ call-over-wifi support for when overseas?

In short, I’m looking for a Japan number that can receive SMS / Calls while I’m overseas for a few months – ideally as cheap as possible. As an example of what I’m after – T-Mobile in the US allows “wifi-assist” for phone calls where you can call over Wifi, SMS etc seem to work for no additional overseas charges…

IIJmio was my initial thought but they aren’t clear if their eSims work on wifi. Random SMS/Phone Calls while overseas will quickly violate the “cheap” part of my criteria 🙂 That said, I may just see what happens..

Is anyone using a similar setup?

  1. I’m not aware of any domestic provider or mvno which has wifi calling, so expecting to have that feature while abroad would be quite a stretch.

    edit: also IIJmio eSims are data-only last I checked, as well as most other MVNOs. Last time this kinda thread came up there was maybe 3-4 providers offering voice-capable eSim.

    But, receiving calls IS free even if you’re roaming (I think ?) so you should be OK?

    Softbank has アメリカ放題 (flat rate america) that lets you have free calls/data, if that’s where you’re going. ahamo has some international roaming but its time-limited. I believe two weeks.

  2. WiFi calling is possible if you use the Rakuten Link app on Rakuten.

    Those in Japan can call my Japanese number, not knowing I’m overseas, and I call Japanese numbers from my Japanese number for free from overseas (so they have no idea I’m calling from overseas). And I’m using eSIM.

    Also, 2GB of data a month overseas is included. I’ve used it in multiple countries. I used to buy a cheap SIM card when I was in the US (for a few months every year), but not any more.

    Some users are leaving Rakuten cuz it’s ending zero monthly fees for those who use 1GB or less of data a month, but I am NOT. I’m willing to pay 980 yen (for 1GB) a month for this feature. For almost two years, I’ve never paid a monthly fee 😁

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