Hello, I am a foreigner who wishes to study in Japan, and would appreciate some help!

I'm from the middle east, currently 20 , and have decided that I want to study in Japan. While I am studying japanease, I am very much a beginner, and so I doubt I would aquire the required language skills in the forseeable future.

Because of that, I would need to enlist into a program that offers a bachelor degree studies in english.
I wish to pursue a degree in chemistry, and so I'm currently on the lookout for universities in Japan that offer this subject in english.

I haven't yet concluded my research about finding the best university, my goal is a good institution, but one that isn't too difficult to get accepted into (i know all Japanese universities are rather difficult to get into, im speaking in relative terms.)

At the moment, I wondered if anyone who is familiar with the process could explain to me what are the required educational certificates I need to have as a foreigner? I don't know if my highschool diploma is necessary, or am I supposed to take a different test, like the Japanese equivalent of the SAT for example.
Do all universities in Japan have entrance exams?

Anyway, any answers will be much appreciated, thank you in advance!

by All_Hale_sqwidward

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