I bought resale tickets and I didn’t realize it was illegal. Am I screwed??

I bought re-sold tickets from ticket.co.jp a while ago (for a concert happening tonight). It was a lot more expensive than the original ticket price but I really love the band and wanted to go. I didn't know that it was illegal to re-sell tickets until today, when I read what was on the tickets (which I picked up from Family Mart after completing the transaction), and I saw "営利目的の転売禁止" (resale for commercial purposes prohibited) written on them, as well as the name of the person who sold them to me. When I looked it up, I saw a number of articles explaining the laws passed to prohibit resale, and how some people have even been sent to jail for that.

As far as I can tell, I don't think I'm going to be deported for buying re-sold tickets (lol). But am I screwed out the money + opportunity to go? I REALLY REALLY want to go to this concert, but am I going to be denied entry? I'm really upset that I might've screwed myself over.

by AGoodWobble

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