I'm hoping to get some validation, critique or any other ideas on how I can better my situation here in Japan. I’d love to hear any thoughts or suggestions from the community, especially from those with experience in managing finances across Japan, Australia, and the UK
- Grow our wealth steadily while being tax-efficient
- Fund for our children’s education.
- Build a solid retirement fund
- I’m on a Spouse Visa (AU citizen), and my wife is Japanese.
- Sole Proprietor – kojin jigyo (個人事æ¥)
- Currently renting in Tokyo
- We have HYSA in AU & UK at 5%
- Lump Sum Investment portfolio is across equity, fixed income, alternative assets, and commodities.
- Planning to open NISA, iDeCo accounts in Japan.
- Considering the purchase of a property in Japan (to use as office)
Thanks in advance for your advice!
by insightfulIbis