Apartment wear and tear tenant liability with special clause

Hi all!

I realized my apartment contract has a "special clause" (特約事項) at the end which says that all the wear and tear damage should be borne by the renter (i.e. me). I didn't realize this at the time of signing the contract, my mistake, but surely this sneaky clause can't force me to basically have to renovate (replace flooring, wallpaper, etc.) the apartment upon moving out, even after living it for over 5-6 years?

I did some research and it says it says such a special clause must be "reasonable," but I am not sure what this would mean in this case.
It feels like a cheap way to get around landlord-tenant liability law about who is liable for what damages, etc.

Any thoughts, or anyone who has been in a similar situation?


by the_hatori

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