Have any of you used “Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Japanese Grammar” and if so, what were your thoughts?

It seems pretty thorough, but what was your experience?

  1. It’s about as complete as Tae Kim in the sense that it’s a bunch of stuff someone should know well to start taking on native materials, but it sure as hell won’t prepare you for something like N2 for example. It’s been a while since I went through the book, but I remember it did give me insight into what I did and didn’t know well enough, and after I ironed those out, I had mostly enough grammar to go months without looking up grammar in my readings (at approximately an N3 level at the time).

  2. I’m currently working through it and I feel it’s okay. It teaches enough to start reading native material, in my opinion, but it’s not great if you want explanations on some finer details. Just today, I did one of the exercises and wondered why the example sentence used ikenai and the one in the exercise used ikanai. I looked it up on imabi and I got the difference but it’s not explained anywhere (as far as I know) in the book. The explanations are usually short with a few example sentences and then an exercise. I bought it because this system looked good to me and so far I think it’s working. My Japanese is still pretty basic but the book definitely shows me the areas where I need to work more (like conjugation for example). The use of romaji is a bit irritating. There’s a little dictionary at the back which is kind of useless because it doesn’t have any kanji, just romaji-English. I haven’t tried other books, so I can’t tell you if this book is better or worse than others.

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