G1 Climax 34 B Block Standings & Analysis as of Aug 4 (3 B Block shows left)

Hello r/njpw

We're back in the B Block, where, after Sunday's show, power dynamics have shifted fairly significantly. As in A Block, we're entering the home stretch of the block phase, and the harsh wall of elimination is closing in on everyone. Now the pressure to perform is on everyone's shoulders. Those near the bottom are fighting for survival, while those at the top fear making a slip up that could snowball into a tumble down the slope. Who's at risk, and who's on everyone's sights? That's what we're here to discuss.

Before we begin, as usual, I'm gonna plug my G1 Climax results summary Google doc, which you can access here, that I'm manually updating as we go along the tournament. It contains the schedule of the matches, results, and a spoiler-free summary of the top 20 best matches of the block phase of the tournament (based on CageMatch Ratings), as well as the play-offs tree, which will be filled up once the qualified wrestlers are set.

With all that being said, let's have a look at the state of B Block.

B Block Standings

David FinlayBULLET CLUB War Dogs84-2In
Yota TsujiLos Ingobernables de Japon63-3In
Yuya UemuraJUST 5 GUYS63-3In
Hirooki GotoCHAOS63-3In
Boltin OlegMAIN UNIT42-4In

The more things change, the more they stay the same. A lot of people have gained ground in B Block, but we've still got a whole mess of people in the middle with 6 points. Well, at least we have just a few distinct block leaders this time, so it's easy to see who everyone needs to chase. However, there's three slots to fill for the playoffs, and there's still a bit of time to move things around, so we still need to see who might still make it. Let's start with our new block leaders …

1) Jeff Cobb

  • 8 pts; 4 wins, 2 losses
  • 71.9% to go to the playoffs
    • 36.7% as #1
    • 20.7% as #2
    • 14.5% as #3
  • Best wins: Uemura [6], Goto [6], HENARE [6]
  • Worst losses: Narita [6], TAKESHITA [6]

Rocketing up the ranks of B Block is Jeff Cobb, who went from a low position amongst a sea of 6-pointers to one of the top two of the block.

Now, we knew that either Cobb or Henare would be among the block leaders by the end of the last B Block show, but how strong they would be and who would be joining them was still yet to be decided. However, after everything that transpired, Cobb ended up being only one of two people at the top of the block, and with them having not had a match yet, the two have ended up with odds very close to each other. Thus, with the relative strength of Cobb's wins and the relative weakness of his losses have allowed Cobb to just make #1 in the block.

Now, all Cobb has to do is maintain this lead for the next three matches. If he can continue winning, or at least stay ahead of the competition, then he can finally advance past the blocks for the first time after years of strong G1 performances.

2) David Finlay

  • 8 pts; 4 wins, 2 losses
  • 71.7% to go to the playoffs
    • 36.1% as #1
    • 21.4% as #2
    • 14.3% as #3
  • Best wins: Narita [6], TAKESHITA [6], HENARE [6]
  • Worst losses: Tsuji [6], Uemura [6]

With his win over Boltin Oleg, David Finlay maintains his spot at the top of B Block, though he's a hair behind Cobb in odds.

As I mentioned in Cobb's section, these two have very similar chances right now. The only thing really separating them at the moment is the quality of their wins and losses. the two of them will be in separate matches on Wednesday (Cobb vs Oleg, and Finlay vs Goto), and if they both win (or even if they both lose), we'll see some separation on Saturday when they go head-to-head with each other. the winner of that match will have a very good chance of making the playoffs.

3) Yota Tsuji

  • 6 pts; 3 wins, 3 losses
  • 35.8% to go to the playoffs
    • 11.0% as #1
    • 11.7% as #2
    • 13.0% as #3
  • Best wins: Finlay [8], Narita [6], Oleg [4]
  • Worst losses: Goto [6], TAKESHITA [6], ELP [4]

Another guy who got a massive boost off of his win on Sunday is Yota Tsuji, who went from the top of the 4-pointers at 7th, to within arms reach of the playoffs at the top of the 6-pointers on a solid 3rd.

Once again, it's the relative strength of his wins and the relative weakness of his losses that push Tsuji so high up. Beating Finlay early on has been a great boon keeping Tsuji's head above the water, and adding Narita to his collection has only benefitted him. However, he hasn't quite cleared out his rivals just yet, so he's still got some work to do, including against current block leader Jeff Cobb on the last day of the block phase. Tsuji has got to stay diligent and consistent in his remaining matches, because he's in the right place to qualify for the playoffs right now.

4) Yuya Uemura

  • 6 pts; 3 wins, 3 losses
  • 33.9% to go to the playoffs
    • 7.0% as #1
    • 13.2% as #2
    • 13.7% as #3
  • Best wins: Finlay [8], Goto [6], TAKESHITA [6]
  • Worst losses: Cobb [8], HENARE [6], ELP [4]

Uemura continues to slowly slip down the ranks of B Block, falling to a respectable, yet less than ideal position at #4 in the block. While his wins are respectable, it's his loss to Cobb and his inability to keep up with the point leaders that's holding Uemura back. That fact that his matches with the two current leaders are already settled means he runs a real risk of falling behind (thankfully, 3rd is still a qualifiable position). Uemura is gonna need to halt this 3-match losing streak he's been on if he wants to reclaim his former leadership position. He'll have the chance to do so in his next few matches, as he'll be dealing with a pair of Musketeers in his upcoming matches. First will be Narita on Wednesday, and then it'll be Tsuji in a Wrestle Kingdom rematch in Saturday's main event. If he can take down the two of them, then he'll have great ammo going into the last days of the tournament.

5) Ren Narita

  • 6 pts; 3 wins, 2 losses
  • 32.8% to go to the playoffs
    • 6.4% as #1
    • 12.9% as #2
    • 12.5% as #3
  • Best wins: Cobb [8], Goto [6], ELP [4]
  • Worst losses: Finlay [8], Tsuji [6], Oleg [4]

the loss to Tsuji has dropped Narita slightly, though Narita's been all over the ranks in B Block. Consistency has been a problem for Narita, as he has both strong wins and devastating losses. Like Uemura, he's sitting in the middle of the pack, within arm's reach of the playoffs, but if he can't manage to put together a good score, then he'll miss out on the top 3. In a twist of fate, he's facing Uemura next, and with both men teetering between glory and oblivion, the result of that match may just dictate how the remainder of this tournament will look for either man.

6) Hirooki Goto

  • 6 pts; 3 wins, 3 losses
  • 31.6% to go to the playoffs
    • 7.4% as #1
    • 11.1% as #2
    • 13.0% as #3
  • Best wins: Tsuji [6], TAKESHITA [6], Oleg [4]
  • Worst losses: Cobb [8], Uemura [6], Narita [6]

Hirooki Goto's managing to keep himself in this race. While his win over Takeshita is not as strong as it would've been earlier on in the tournament, it has nonetheless pulled Goto up from near the bottom of the pack back to a contendership position. Yes, his past losses are still weighing heavily on him, his win over Tsuji is becoming a stronger and stronger asset, and if he can keep pace with Tsuji, then it may help give him a final boost into the playoffs.

On top of that, he has another chance to get one more powerful win under his belt, because his next opponent is David Finlay. It's a match-up with a lot of significance, as not only is Finlay the IWGP Global champion and a leader in B Block, Finlay's sudden drop from the New Japan Cup has raised questions over Goto's position in the New Japan Cup finals. The result of this match will either quiet those probing voices, or doom Goto back down the block and down the totem pole of New Japan.


  • 6 pts; 3 wins, 3 losses
  • 30.9% to go to the playoffs
    • 6.1% as #1
    • 11.3% as #2
    • 13.5% as #3
  • Best wins: Cobb [8], Tsuji [6], HENARE [6]
  • Worst losses: Finlay [8], Uemura [6], Goto [6]

Takeshita continues to drop down the ranks of B Block, with his latest loss to Goto giving him a 50/50 win/loss record. One of Takeshita's biggest problems is that he doesn't have any really big matches left. He's had his matches with almost everyone currently on 6 points and above, the only one left now being Narita on the last block day, so he doesn't have a lot of room to move up. Without as much control over his destiny, the best Takeshita can do is to keep making points and hope the ties favor him.


  • 6 pts; 3 wins, 3 losses
  • 28.0% to go to the playoffs
    • 2.8% as #1
    • 11.9% as #2
    • 13.3% as #3
  • Best wins: Uemura [6], ELP [4], Oleg [4]
  • Worst losses: Cobb [8], Finlay [8], TAKESHITA [6]

Last among the 6-pointers is Henare.

The loss to Cobb has really done a number on Henare's chances. Now, he's lost to the two block leaders and is also behind them on points. That gives him a very small margin to work with. On top of that, he doesn't have a strong set of wins. The only person ahead of him that he's beaten is Yuya Uemura. He's got sort of the opposite problem of Takeshita.

However, conversely, that means that Henare has a lot of chances to make up for lost time. All three of his remaining matches are against guys who are currently on 6-points or higher: Tsuji on Wednesday, Narita on Saturday, and Goto on the last day. While they may not be at the top, these could be valuable wins should the leaders falter and keep the qualifying scores low.

9) El Phantasmo

  • 4 pts; 2 wins, 4 losses
  • 8.7% to go to the playoffs
    • 1.0% as #1
    • 4.0% as #2
    • 3.8% as #3
  • Best wins: Tsuji [6], Uemura [6]
  • Worst losses: Cobb [8], Narita [6], HENARE [6]

ELP continues living in B Block, but for how much longer? As in A Block, anyone caught on 4 points by the end of the next show will face almost certain mathematical elimination. ELP has been coasting at or near the bottom of B Block since the start of the tournament, but now it's crunch time. One more mistake and he's gone, and boy what a test he has next, because he face Konosuke Takeshita on Wednesday. Will ELP get revenge for getting exploded through some tables at Forbidden Door?

10) Boltin Oleg

  • 4 pts; 2 wins, 4 losses
  • 7.5% to go to the playoffs
    • 0.4% as #1
    • 3.1% as #2
    • 4.0% as #3
  • Best wins: Narita [6], ELP [4]
  • Worst losses: Finlay [8], Tsuji [6], Goto [6]

Despite a respectable performance in his first G1 so far, it also feels like Boltin Oleg is not long for this tournament. As with ELP, one more loss and he's out. For Oleg, that means he has to overcome his next obstacle, who happens to be the current block leader Jeff Cobb. It's a mighty wall to scale, but if Oleg can overcome it, he might just get himself back in the running.

What's Next?

Next show will start seeing some breakaways, but first, we'll have to see if our 4-pointers survive the show. First will be a match between the bottom of the block and the top of the block, as Boltin Oleg will have to prove he's worthy of B Block by taking out Jeff Cobb. Then, El Phantasmo will have to beat the Alpha KONOSUKE TAKESHITA if he wants to stay in the running.

After that, the real meat of the show begins. We'll have two matches with 6-pointers hoping to break away from the middle of the pack. First up is the man who's been making moves in the middle part of this tournament, Yota Tsuji, versus the NEVER Openweight champion HENARE. After that, we'll see the younger guys do battle with Yuya Uemura and Ren Narita battling it out. With only a few shows left, it's so important to keep up with the leaders, especially with the threat of either one of Cobb or Finlay making points on this show and raising the ceiling. Again, with the three-qualifier format, you don't have to match the top scores to make the playoffs, but if the top placer clinch spots, it leaves a smaller window for the others to make it in.

Speaking of Finlay, our main event will be a doozy, as Hirooki Goto will have a chance to be at or near the top of the block for the first time in this tournament as he takes on score leader David Finlay. I've gone over the stakes of this match already, but suffice to say there's a lot more than just playoff hopes riding on this match. Will the "G" in G1 stand for Goto, or will it stand for Gedo's boy?

That'll do for this post. Next we're going back to A Block where things continue to heat up. The top of the block has suddenly become very well-defined, and everybody's goals feel much more well-defined, so we're gonna dive into great detail there regarding ties, draws, and everyone's path to the playoffs.

Until next time, thanks for reading! See you next post.

by MarcoTalin

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