Kiyomizudera or Arashiyama on 1/1

Hi everyone, would love some advice on whether to do Kiyomizudera or Arashiyama on 1/1, and then the other one on 1/2. The dates are pretty set, it has to be one or the other. I do know Kyoto in particular will be packed and some places will be closed — can't really change the dates here unfortuantely. I'm leaning on Arashiyama on 1/1 and then Kiyomizudera on 1/2 to (very mildly) dodge the crowd, but correct me if I'm wrong

by Anthonyy232

  1. I would go to Kiyomizudera on 1/1. I think going there on the first day of the year to pray for the year and get the Goshuin is a pretty good way to start the year.

  2. Kiyomozu visit on new year’s day will be very auspicious. But good luck with the crowds, on either day…

  3. I was in kyoto a few years ago over new years. Shrines and stuff will be crowded but I distinctly remember grabbing a rental bike, cycling down philosophers path and it was nearly empty (maybe passed 5 people total). 

  4. Kiyomizudera is an active shrine a oshogatsu is a major Shinto event. It’s gonna be crowded. Unless you pratice Shinto go on 1/2.

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