I painted my local ramen shop in watercolor

I painted my local ramen shop in watercolor

by onewordpoet

  1. Ive seen your art pop up on my feed before, and im just as impressed. I especially love all the shadow work on the table

  2. I saw your art pop up on istagram somewhere but couldnt find your account and website 🙂 would love something like this in my home. Can you send me a link?

  3. The atmosphere takes you into the picture, I especially love the shadows on the table 😍

  4. Looking at this makes me feel like I’m in a ramen shop, I can feel the atmosphere through the painting, amazing work!! 🙂

  5. Why all the greys? Did you want us to feel that and you changed it to match the mood you wanted us to feel? Or was the ramen shop just really grey? 

  6. looking through your post history you also posted this a year ago? weird, but i dont judge

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