Ascending via Yoshida and descending via Subashiri – thoughts?

Hi all! My question is whether it is possible (I don't see why it would not be, but just wanted to double confirm) to ascend to the summit of Fuji via the Yoshida trail and the descend via the Subashiri trail?

My second question is whether there are reasons we should not do that?

My reasons for wanting to do this is (1) We are ascending via the Yoshida trail mainly because I read that it is technically easier than the Subashiri trail, and (2) i'm interested in seeing a different landscape on the way up and down. I read that the Subashiri trail and has a different forested landscape that will be beautiful to experience. Also (but this is less of a factor in my decision) I wonder if the sandy terrain on the way down might make descending via Subashiri slightly easier? I once hiked a volcanic mountain and summiting in the volcanic sandy terrain was terrible but descending was kinda nice.

by jequifinality

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