English fonts that Americans can read, but Japanese people can never read

English fonts that Americans can read, but Japanese people can never read

by Useful_Pirate3534

  1. That tricked my brain I’m nether American or japanese but I tried reading it in japanese… until I saw ._.

  2. Someone just showed me this a bit ago I didn’t understand until she said she couldn’t read it

  3. As a native english speaker, this took me far too long. I should try and show it to someone who doesn’t speak Japanese though

  4. >English fonts that Americans can read, but Japanese people *who don’t read English with a high ability* can never read

    I fixed the typo. Not to be pedantic, but because this assumption that all Japanese people are incapable of learning English as well as anyone else is some bullshit.

  5. What is the relevance of Americans to this?
    Are they better at reading than other native English speakers?

  6. Lol, I got a pop-up warning me against using twitter, oh sorry, I meant “2004 matrix geocities page name: X” , because there have been malware attempts from the site.

  7. I had to take the guys advice and shrink the image (and also squint) to read it. Haha. My brain just kept trying to read it as katakana and kanji.

  8. That is a fucking war crime.

    I thought the post was talking about the “Strawberry mint mint strawberry” font at first.

  9. i was super confused wondering what the big deal was about the mimicoco or strawberry / mint since the headline referenced **english fonts**, then i saw that sort of katakana and ummm… what? that’s actually a pretty interesting font.

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