Y’all still getting bitten by mosquitoes?

Generally I’m not this time of year but this year seems to be different. 🤷‍♂️

by ashes-of-asakusa

  1. It’s been predicted that they’d be out in the fall rather than summer due to the temperature. I’m in the city so I don’t need to deal with them but instead have a host of other problems

  2. i was in tokyo for 2 weeks last month the first day i was standing outside and got bit all over i still have scars from the bites

  3. Oh yes. For whatever reason I didn’t get bit once all summer but have gotten bit 3 times just this week.

  4. It seems that I always happen to be near someone whose blood tastes better so I hardly ever get bit.

    Either that or I’ve become desensitized to the itching so I never notice I’ve been bit.

  5. 3 marks appeared on the back of my hand overnight a few days ago . Either it was a mosquito or I’ve been selected as a master for a holy grail war.

  6. My parents visited last week and we’re constantly complaining about bites. I’ve had none myself though, I must not be to the mosquitoes palate.

  7. This summer so many times even when stepping out in the garden for just a moment. But i am now about 2 weeks without any bite i guess because winter is coming.

  8. Yea. Constantly. I’ve been wearing long trousers and warm covers and they still bite my hands and ankles. My son just gets bitten all over his head/face. Insect repellent is crap.

  9. Oh yeah . Moved here 3 weeks ago and I’m still surprised how many of these fuckers are around . And unlike the mosquitoes i had back in Europe, these ones are on a silent mode, no bzzz no nothing

  10. I am actually allergic to mosquito bites (Skeeter Syndrome) so the past 2/3 months of living here has been close to hell for me. Multiple trips to the pharmacy for anti-histamines and anti-inflammatory creams. The giant baseball-sized swellings on my legs and arms indicate the little buggers are still around 😑 bring on the colder weather!! 💪

  11. one of those lil assholes snuck in my room recently and feasted for TWO DAYS! never got the satisfaction of murdalizing it, i guess it had enough and just left?

  12. Yes, I am. However, I’ve been bitten until some time in November in other years, so I expect to be bitten this year, too.

  13. We have winter mosquitos in Chūgoku region, and likely in Kyushu as well. Not surprised they are in Kanto as well.

  14. They cant fly above 29C.
    They get sluggish below 15c
    They basically go dormant below 8c.
    So as the weather cooled they have been much more active. It’ll take a little longer for them to get sluggish in the day time probably December, but night temps likely to finish them off before that anyway

  15. Nah, finally, they target my girl though, guess her blood type is better…

    This must be why blood type is so important in dating.

  16. I got a bitten on my foot when wearing sandals and a big blister came up. eww.. what was that?


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