Planning to study masters in japan

Hi, I’m currently planning to take my masters degree in japan and look for work in japan after my master studies. But before that I am thinking of attending language school. I have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science and is planning to take master program in either computer science or data science . Currently I have one year plus experience working in the field. I need some advice on should I be attending language school first or taking the masters degree straight away. I also need some recommendation for language school in Tokyo area. University recommendation for master degree in computer science is also much appreciated. Thanks beforehand.

  1. You can try language schools or see what your university has to offer in addition to your Master’s study.

    Fortunately, comp sci does fall into the STEM category from which jobs are a lot more forgiving when it comes to language. I’d reckon N2 would be enough to land a decent job.

  2. I would pick out your target universities first and then see what kind of programs they offer. It might be possible to do a masters in three years while also taking relatively intensive Japanese classes that would put you in the best situation post graduation.

    You might also find you need a year of intensive language school just to get in to the program you want. If so you’ll want to focus on language schools that offer such courses.

    (Mine was 3 hours of class 5 days a week which also required 2-4 hours of studying per day to keep up. I wasn’t remotely prepared for how much work it would be but luckily my teachers helped me get my study time organized. The relevance is that math and programming came very easy to me and thus I never learned how to brute force memorize facts in the quantity required to learn Japanese.)

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