Cockroach Infestation/nest

Hey folks. I am looking for advice regarding cockroaches in my apartment. So I recently moved into a new apartment and the roach situation is pretty bad. When I first came in, there were some dead roaches and droppings in one of the drawers. I explained it to the real estate company and they said that the apartment didn't have any food or running water so what I found was probably just a dead straggler. I threw it away, cleaned the drawer and didn't think much of it.

Fast forward a couple weeks and I found a brown one in my bathroom. He fled into a crack in my bathroom sink area and I assumed that was the homebase where these things were coming from. I get a bunch of sprays and tape the next day start taping as many cracks as I could find. Then I started spraying. At least 6 roaches just started sprinting out of the sink area. I killed a few of them with sprays but definitely not all of them. Some got away and made a part of the kitchen sink area their new base. Upon further inspection 2 of the 3 I killed looked like pure black japanese cockroaches. While one of them was brown. I thought that was odd because that would mean 2 kinds of roaches are living in my apartment.

I started putting down black caps both indoor and outdoor, sticky traps, pour bleach down the drains and sealing them later, sweeping and wiping the floors. I haven't seen any large roaches but since that day I'm still finding droppings, egg sacs, nymph and babies.
Every time I find them they're already dead but I can't tell if the black caps are working in destroying the infestation/nests or if these dead babies are just the exception.

So I have a few questions:
Are my black caps working? If so should I also put them in my living room and bedroom?

I heard that the roaches in Japan can survive and stay around in the winter. Is this true? If it's not, will the infestation just migrate outside my apartment after that?

If they're living in the wall or with the pipes, how can I bug bomb my apartment?

Another thing about my apartment building. I live on the second floor. The guy next to me recently moved away and the owner of the apartment below him doesn't seem to be at home at all. If one of these rooms had an infestation, would it be possible for nymphs and baby's to make it to my kitchen?

by 5ggggg

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