Reading manga for free, in Japanese, on an Iphone and with a ocr

Yes, just a very small request, that’s all, am I right? Look, I know. I’m asking a miracle here, but this is my last resort. I have tried to make it work on my own so far and of course failed and am still very much unable to read on my Iphone. If only I could read Japanese well, but it is what it is, can’t do that yet. So let me explain the requirement’s I listed.

Free: Anything free is always nice, but don’t mind it actually costing some big one’s.

In Japanese: Well of course. If I wanted to actually just read some manga, I could totally find them in English and problem solved, but I want to and more importantly NEED TO practice reading so it has to be in Japanese.

On an iphone: I can read on my pc with ocr and chrome extensions and whatnot, but I would love to be able to read on the go and iphone is the thing coming with when I leave the house so that’s that.

With a ocr: I can’t read and I need help with it every now and then. It is definitely the thing I’m on my weakest and need improving. Ocr or anything that could help me with kanji I can’t read would be very helpful and is required for me to be able to read at all.

So there’s that, good luck and thank you so much for your time and help!

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