Healthy and simple things you can take daily?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Does anyone take something daily to benefit their health? For example, as I have a Japanese partner that cooks, I have miso soup every day now whereas previously I never had. I also add a cap of apple cider vinegar (see, brought it back to the proverb) to water for gut health.


Edit: Seeing a lot of “oatmeal”. What brand do you use? Also, add anything special to it/make it in a particular way?

  1. I drink one of those little Yakult drinks every day. It’s supposed to be a probiotic for the digestion but I have no idea if it does anything.

  2. I take 180/120 DHA/EPA fish oils when I’m in a funk, immediate pick me up

    Was just reading about how a serving of cranberries improved memory in a clinical trial. Huh

  3. I like the conbini heated medicine cabinets by the tills. Lots of nice things in there.

  4. Gut health is just at the point where we know it’s connected to multiple systems but we don’t know the mechanisms behind it much less how to manipulate it in an accurate way for every person.

    That being said, having a varied diet (ie a bit of everything) is looking pretty good.

  5. creatine monohydrate. good for brain and muscles and no downside other than exacerbating male pattern baldness if you suffer from it already.

  6. More so than a single thing, eat a variety of foods (the more quantity/quality/variety of vegetables, the better) over the course of the day/week/month and get enough exercise and try to get enough of the best sleep you can.

    these three actions will totally crush in terms of overall effectiveness in comparison to any single “superfood (actually, no such thing, just marketing/lifehack (see left of slash))”

  7. Water. It’s obvious, but a lot of people skip getting enough hydration. Coffee tastes great and everything, but it also dehydrates you. Some people have their coffee or tea and that’s about it for drinking for the whole day. You need so plain old water, and hopefully at least a couple of glasses per day.

  8. I eat kimchi with my eggs every morning. That’s also supposed to be great for gut health.

    Sitting in an ass to grass squat for a few minutes and hanging from a bar is also huge. Even if you don’t stretch or exercise, those are two easy things to do that really correct sitting most of the time.

  9. 1 hour walk, 2 litres of water, some studying, multi vitamins, oatmeal and something fun.

    That will generally give you most of what you need.

  10. Gyomu super quick oats from Lithuania. Low sugar, better source of protein and fiber than rice. Was about 140 yen for 500g.

  11. It’s not Japanese, but I like to take the meal replacement Huel instead of lunch from time to time, or as a desert (mixed with frozen berries, it can be really good). I don’t know if it’s actually good for me or not, but after a couple of years, no ill effects.

  12. A cold shower and walk each morning. Both combined work wonders for health.

  13. Miki Prune. It’s not cheap, but a 1-2 tbsp mixed in a hot cup of water every day really improved my health overall. I became very regular in terms of bowel movements and I catch a cold every two years instead of every 2-3 months. Ymmv, but it worked for me.

  14. Oatmeal and chia seeds (chia seeds help me for my dry skin, especially for my ears which get itchy from dryness).

    I just put oats and chia seeds in some water overnight, and in the morning mix it with protein powder and eat. You can probably replace the protein powder with milk or fruits or sth.

  15. natto, dark leafy greens, lean protein, 15 minute cardio and 10,000 steps a day

  16. I don’t think miso everyday is that good for you. You have to watch your sodium levels too.

    I started drinking the ヤクルトのケール青汁 recently. It tastes bad and smells worse, but my gut is working better than ever.

  17. > Healthy and simple things you can take daily?

    A walk.

    Start with anything at all, even 1 or 2 minutes. Build up as you can.

  18. I try to take some sort of probiotics daily.
    I have a yogurt maker so I clone R-1 or カスピ海 yogurt.
    Also eat natto, miso soup (made properly as to not kill the miso bacteria), kimchi, etc.

  19. Mushrooms. Natural vitamins and medicine. Proven antivirals. Semi proven to prevent cancer. There’s an area in Japan that grows Enoki mushrooms and the residents consume large amounts of Enoki and have lower rates of cancer. Not proven but it’s suspected there’s a correlation.

    I buy powdered mushroom blends and make pills. It’s cheaper than buying them already made into pills. And I eat a few pills every now and then. I don’t really take anything daily. Mushrooms are highly beneficial and the fungi kingdom was one of the earlier life forms on the planet. Well before mammals and humans evolved and they played major roles in life’s evolution.

    Consume mushrooms. A wide variety of edible non toxic mushrooms of course. Powdered, pliled, cooked, raw, … As often as you can.

  20. I take a bunch of vitamin and mineral supplements. Makes my pee look like mountain dew – its fun.

  21. I pray for the day people will realize that being healthy isn’t about drinking the magical health potion that’ll make your body function properly, but about NOT consuming things that destroy your metabolism.

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