Moving forward in Japanese studies?

Hey, first just wanted to introduce my background a bit and also apologize if these sorts of posts aren't productive enough / too frequently posted. I don't have any language learning friends, so I wanted to reach out.

I started learning Japanese in 2017 (on and off) through Googling and YouTube, trying to find some entry methods of self-studying. I used DuoLingo and flashcards to help memorize the kana and some phrases, and then I bought Genki 1 and worked through it to completion. For kanji, I bought a workbook that I honestly didn't get too far with. I looked for other learning methods, like WaniKani, and made it to the end of the free portion of the site. It was pretty helpful, I thought, and I believe I have all of N5's kanji in memory, with its help and an Anki deck I found.

I've used Tae Kim's guide here and there and some YouTube resources for grammar.

I made a big step last year and applied to university for their Japanese Language, Literature and Culture major program, so I'll be attending and studying there in the fall of this year.

A question I have now, though: after feeling stagnate in my self-studies, what would be a smart course of action to continue and make some good headway? As I mentioned, my studies have been on and off over the years, but I'm wanting to really increase my productivity before I attend university.

If anyone has a good outline of where I should start off from here, or any other suggestions, I'd be grateful to hear them! Thanks.

To help boil it down, here's where I'm at:

  1. Confident with Hiragana & Katakana
  2. Grammar needs a lot of attention, but basic grammar concepts like particles and their usages and some various adjectives, counters, etc.
  3. Confident with N5 kanji
  4. Limited vocabulary, can form basic sentences and phrases

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