Naturalization application timing

I'm thinking about the best timing for each step in my case.

I currently meet all requirements for naturalization except for the 5-year residence rule, which I will fulfill in early September. I recently started a new job, and while it's not a requirement, I've heard that having a minimum of 6 months of employment looks better on the application. I'll reach this in early December, so I'm considering waiting until then to apply. Additionally, I'm planning to visit my home country for a few weeks from late December to early February or late January.

Would it be safe to call them as soon as I reach the 5-year mark in early September, considering the appointment is likely to be scheduled much later anyway (by which time I'll already have been employed for 6 months or more)? The actual application won't be submitted until after I've completed 6 months in my job regardless of when I have the first consultation. However, I'm unsure if it would hurt my process if I have the consultation before that time, as my case worker will be aware that it hasn't been 6 months on the job yet. If that's the case, would it be better to wait until December to even make the appointment?

Regardless of the above, is there a possibility that they will call me or ask me to go and bring other stuff while I'm visiting my home country? If not, it might be better to get the process started before my trip to avoid wasting time. But if yes, then should I just wait until I'm back to start the whole thing?

Sorry for the rambling, and I hope this makes sense! Thank you.

by Kangy1989

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