Marital status changing during visa process

Hello – I'd appreciate some advice about a fairly specific situation regarding the dependent visa please. There are a few threads with relevant information but not with these exact concerns, as far as I could see.

I have accepted a job in Japan and my COE has been approved. I am getting married before I leave and once I am in Japan I will apply for my partner's COE towards obtaining them a dependent visa. My questions pertain to the order that things are happening in (within quite a tight timeline given my job's start date), which is:

  1. My visa appointment at the embassy in the UK

  2. We get married in the UK

  3. I travel to Japan

  4. I register myself at the city hall (updating marital status at this stage?)

  5. I apply for my spouse's COE

Firstly, is it okay that for my COE I have stated that my marital status is single, which will still be true at the time of my visa appointment, but I will be married by the time I enter Japan? I'm thinking about this in relation to going through immigration when I arrive i.e. with a COE and visa that state 'single'. Perhaps it's important to note that neither my title nor my name will change so my passport will remain the same.

Secondly, will I be able to update my marital status at the city hall at the same time as I register my address, etc.? I've struggled to find information about this online and would be interested to know if anyone has experience with this. I'm hoping to condense the process as far as possible so that I can get on with applying for my spouse's COE.

Thank you!

by Sea-Artichoke-6013

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