How strictly enforced are accommodation rules (in this case, for UTokyo accomodation)

Likely as I am used to a western culture, but certain rules for the accommodation, namely Komaba Lodge, seem unjustifiably restrictive. I absolutely do not want to disrespect the culture but equally I struggle to follow rules which negatively affect my day to day life when the rules don’t seem to have a basis. I’m wondering if anyone has any experience of whether this is a case of lots of rules being written out but in practice they are rarely followed/enforced. Specifically, do you really need to complete a whole form and submit it days in advance if you plan to stay away from the lodge for even 1 night (although I understand this slightly more from an earthquake safety perspective). And are you really not allowed any visitors after 10pm (would be a massive bummer if my partner of many years wasn’t able to come and stay with me for just a few nights).

by duxhsd

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