Relative Doing my COE for LTR/Nikkei Visa – realistic or not?

I posted recently with questions regarding a Nikkei visa and have a couple more.

Background – I am single, 38, third generation US born, Japanese American that wants to move to Japan permanently. I have not taken any JLPT tests, but can have basic conversations in Japanese, can read better than I can write but am studying Japanese every day.

Original plan – I get the Nikkei visa, quit my job in the US, buy a house, send all my stuff/move, work on the house, take local Japanese classes/tutoring and find part time work. I have a good amount of savings (40k cash and about 70k investments). I have my degree and plan to eventually either start a business or teach English. Getting married and starting a family isn’t out of the question.

I have gathered my grandparents certified birth, death and marriage certificates and will get copies of my mother’s birth certificate and mine notarized. A family member in Japan got a copy of the Koseki from the local City Hall.

Question 1 – Is my plan realistic or will my COE and visa get denied??

COE Question – With my above plan, my relative and I both are curious as to how serious the COE application is. The MOJ site and anything I find regarding the Nikkei visa is extremely vague. I know that I have to be able to prove my lineage and I need a COE stating what I will be doing in Japan. I have studied Japanese art, history, am well acquainted with the culture and plan to never move back to the US. I say this and the marriage/family comment negate I’m wondering if we need to write this on the application. I read an old post here with someone saying their family member did their COE and it isn’t very important, but we don’t want to not give enough information/I have not read of a similar situation to my own.

How detailed does the COE need to be?

Will the COE get denied because I am not enrolled in a Japanese language school or already have a job lined up in Japan? Do I just need to get an immigration lawyer?

I’m hoping to move at the end of the year – it may be hopeful but I’m doing my best to keep up the momentum.

Thank you again in advance for any help/insight.

by nic_nokay

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