Japanese language school for 31 old foreign student ?

anyone know Japanese language school for 31 old foreign student ?

  1. A lot of the language schools have students of all ages, even if the average age may be younger!

  2. I was way over 31 the last time I went to the [Yamasa Institute](https://www.yamasa.org/en/index.html). There were other people near my age, too.

    They make a real effort to not have a majority of students from any one country or native language. You can go for as little as 2 weeks to as much as 2 years. They also have their own housing, so that’s not a worry.

    The only downside is if your heart is set on studying in Tokyo — they are in Okazaki, near Nagoya. But that makes places like Kyoto an easy day trip.

  3. こんにちは!Greetings from Tokyo.

    We support students from around the world who are interested in studying and/or working in Japan.

    Most Japanese language schools do not set an upper age limit. Even if you are 31 years old, the Japanese language school will welcome you.

    I guess you have many options to decide school. Feel free to ask us anytime!

    We will provide you 1on1 counseling. It would be great if we have a chance to support you.(No fee is charged for using website and counseling)https://studyabroad.connectiu.com/

    We can also provide you internship opportunities/part-time jobs/ online Japanese lesson.

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