Typhoon Shanshan warning / megathread

Typhoon Shanshan is currently predictly to land in Japan on the night or morning of 28 August JST with sustained winds of over 80 knotw and gusts up to 120 knots and torrential rains.

As of night of 24 August, the predicted path has the typhoon landing in Kochi around midnight on Wednesday, 28th with winds and rains starting to effect western Japan (primarily Shikoku and Kyushu) on the evening on 26th. Currently predicted path will affect western Japan on 27th and 28th, central and eastern parts of Honshu on 28th and 29th, and Hokkaido on 29th.

Widespread disruptions, including cancellations to railway travel, flights, as well as major flooding and landslides is expected.

Please plan accordingly – shelter in place during typhoon, plan your travel ahead of time and follow instructions of your hotel staff in case of evacuation orders being issued.

Do not plan 'typhoon watch parties' or any other silly stuff.

You can follow typhoon's tracking on JMA's website.

You can also see updated list of advisories – here

We will update you with information regarding shinkansen cancellations (and other major transport news) in this thread, but you can stay up to date via websites of the operators:


JR West expects major suspension of services starting in the afternoon of 27 August through 28 August, including Sanyo and Hokuriku shinkansen.
JR Central expects suspension of some services late on 27 August and possible suspension of its entire network on 28 August, including Tokaido shinkansen.
JR East expects cancellations on its networks from 27 August onwards, including Hokuriku, Joetsu, Akita and Yamagata shinkansen.

For information on airport closures or inaccessabilty, follow the airport websites:

Please note that current path makes significant restrictions on operations of Kansai Airport starting on the afternoon of 27 August, Itami and Centrair Chubu Airport on the night of 28 August and New Chitose Aiport on 29 August.

For information regarding flight cancellations or info, please contact your airlines.

by mithdraug

  1. Do you believe that travel from Tokyo to Kyoto and Kyoto to Osaka will likely be affected?

  2. I have a flight from LAX to Haneda on Monday;
    arriving around 15:15 on Tuesday.
    What are the odds that my flight could get delayed?
    I’m keeping an eye on any updates.

  3. Great… Supposed to fly out of Osaka back to Canada on the 28th. Don’t even know what to do. 

  4. I wanted to buy tickets in person from tokyo to kyoto..I was planning on either leaving on 27th or 28th. Or should I wait until the 29th??

  5. I had a flight from Vancouver to Tokyo arriving in the afternoon of August 27 and I got a travel advisory from Air Canada so I rescheduled the flight to August 26. That’s not ideal either, but my daughter is supposed to move into her dorm on August 28 (although the university has also emailed to say that this may be rescheduled because of the typhoon) so we didn’t have much leeway. You can check a live map of the typhoon’s approach here: [https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/map.html#4/33.138/137.549/&elem=root&typhoon=all&lang=en&contents=typhoon](https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/map.html#4/33.138/137.549/&elem=root&typhoon=all&lang=en&contents=typhoon)

  6. I was planning to go to kyoto from 26-29 … should I just cancel? Don’t want to be stuck in the hotel

  7. I will be flying in to Osaka on the 26th and flying out on 31st for work purposes.

    Will there be any evacuation happening?and will staying indoors in hotel safe?

  8. I’m flying into Tokyo Japan august 26

    Then taking a train from Tokyo to Hakone on august 28. I was going to stay in Hakone for 2 nights.

    Should I reschedule my Hakone travel to august 27?

    Not sure if trains to Hakone will stop on august 28….

    This is my first trip to Japan… not completely familiar with the areas or trains yet

  9. One more question: are romance cars (I think it’s called the odaki line) usually canceled during typhoons?

  10. expected to fly from Seoul to Narita on the morning of the 27th, likelihood of it being okay?

  11. We’re supposed to take a Shinkansen from Hiroshima to Tokyo on the morning of Aug 27. Should we change plans and leave the night of the 26th? Wait and see what happens? Try and fly instead?

    Thank you so much to everyone who has more experience with all this!!

  12. I’m taking the Sanyo shinkansen from Osaka to Hiroshima on the 27th morning and Hiroshima-Kyoto on the 28th afternoon. Should I cancel the train and the accommodation?

  13. Supposed to be flying out of KIX on the night of the 30th of August. Typhoon should be gone by then if what I’m reading is correct? Leaving Tokyo tomorrow to go to Kyoto till then so looks like might be indoors for a bit of it

  14. Im landing i Tokyo 27th afternoon. And i have insane flight anxiety – what can I expect?

  15. I’ve got a flight booked at 3:30pm on Tuesday, from Tokyo to Okinawa. The ideal flight path in normal weather would take us directly through where the typhoon will be at that time. Anyone know the likelihood of them cancelling our flight? Or do they divert around the storm and fly a longer less stormy path? Will one even exist? Seems like it will be a big storm.

    Both Haneda airport and Naha airport will be fine weather for flying at the time, it’s just the flight path that’s the problem from how I see it.

  16. Flying into Fukuoka from Korea at 9 am on the 28th. Any idea if we can expect cancellations?

  17. We are supposed to land at haneda airport on the 28th August at around 8:30pm local time. I know no-one can say for sure but what do you think?

  18. Currently expecting to fly out of KIX on 27th 9pm, do you think I’ll be okay? Also currently living in Nansen, should I move to somewhere near the airport on the 26th in case JR shuts down? Thanks

  19. I’m planning to land in tokyo Narita on 28th Aug morning …should I reschedule already ?

  20. I have a stupid question. Weather groups are pointing out this will likely make landfall at the equivalent of a Category 4 hurricane. In the US that would be mandatory evacuations, and for the few that refuse boarding yourself up into your home. Is this not happening in Japan?

  21. I’m supposed to leave for Japan Tokyo via a night flight on 27th and reach on 28th morning, is it safe to try and continue with this?

  22. Would appreciate advice..
    my flight leaves on the night of 27th and meant to arrive to Tokyo evening of 28th.. is it best to reschedule for later or just leave as it is and rely on the airlines?
    My flight also includes a stopover at Dubai and I don’t want to be stuck there in case they cancel last minute and really lost what to do 🙈

  23. Currently scheduled to fly from Chicago to Tokyo and arrive at 3:00pm on the 29th. I worry that the flight going from Tokyo to Chicago will have issues taking off around 11:00am on the 28th. I can move the flight to the day before so flight from Tokyo to Chicago would leave on 27th at 11:00am and arrive back in Tokyo at 3:00pm on 28th. Curious which people think has a better chance of avoiding cancelations.

  24. Already in Japan and scheduled to drive from Kyoto on the 27th morning to check in to our hotel in Kobe. We are supposed to be there until the 29th (we rented a car). Any idea how screwed we are? :/ Now I’m not sure if we can 1) drive in, 2) do anything, even if we do get there.

  25. I’m flying from Toronto to Tokyo tomorrow and then Tokyo to Osaka on Monday. Any idea if my flights could be impacted?

  26. Planned to travel from Nagoya to Osaka via shinkansen on 26th at night, but right now it really doesn’t look very good lmfao. Does anyone know if night buses still tend to operate when shinkansen suspends?

  27. Flying into Osaka today to stay in Kobe with some family about a 10 minute walk from the beach, which is smack dab in the middle of the path from what I’ve seen today. We’re travelling with an 8 month old.

    I’m pretty concerned. Mostly about having a prolonged power outage during some pretty hot days with baby.

    We’re considering hopping on the shinkansen on Monday to spend a couple of days in Kyushu, Hiroshima or maybe Tokyo depending on how the path looks. We’re flexible so we could stay there if we can’t travel for a few days afterwards. Obviously, the path could change or it could weaken but just wondering what people think about doing something like that?

  28. I have a flight landing from kualalampur in Narita around 6 pm local time on 28th. Should I be worried. I have trips planned to Osaka and Kyoto during my stay till 10th sep. Will all this be affected?

  29. Hi, I’m currently in Tokyo. I have tickets for Disneyland on the 27th and a flight back to Europe from Haneda on the 29th at 1am (I was planning to leave Shinjuku by train around 8pm on the 28th).

    Am I screwed? Any advice?

  30. Would flying out of Tokyo-Haneda be OK on the 29th? I’m returning from a trip in Japan.

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