Worth it to try going after a doctor for malpractice?

I’ll keep a long story short and say I visited a specialist on the advice of my regular doctor for a problem I was having.
The specialist confidently diagnosed me with an *illness* and prescribed me some medicine. He handed me the medicine from a drawer, and bid me on my way.
Unfortunately it turns out his confidence was unfounded, and the medicine he gave me seems to have caused some permanent damage to my skin.
I recently did a little research and found the medicine I was given by him was strictly NOT to be used for the illness I had (successfully diagnosed by a separate doctor at a different clinic)
I plan on visiting a dermatologist and giving them the run down on what happened, to see if in their opinion I have a case against this specialist.
If I do have a case – where can I look for representation? Anyone any experience going after a doctor for something similar?


  1. Maybe ask a lawyer rather than a dermatologist? Legal consultations are usually free for the first session, and doctors are not qualified to give an opinion on whether to sue somebody or not.

    Besides that, in Japan no random doctor is going to casually agree that another doctor’s work is malpractice. It’s basically an unwritten rule for doctors here not to speak badly about another doctor’s work to patients.

    Talk to a lawyer.

  2. Had something similar happen to a Japanese girl I know. Very hard to do anything about it because such a nepotistic society. She ended up sucking it up and spending more money to fix

  3. A misdiagnosis is not necessarily malpractice. Does the drug he gave you treat the incorrect illness he diagnosed you with? Unless it’s undeniable that his misdiagnosis is negligence, I don’t see how you have a case.

  4. Isn’t there a cap on lawsuit payouts against doctors? I remember it being low and not worth the effort in most cases.

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