Can’t Find My Next Job

I reside in Japan on a spouse visa. I have significant experience in both America and Japan, including interpreting in educational, legal, medical, and business/video game contexts. I have also localized a AAA game from Japanese to English for a major Japanese gaming company. I have other experience, including the JET program (ALT) and teaching ESL in America as well. I don't want to take up everyone's time listing all of my certificates, qualifications, and experience, but clearly, I have at least somewhat of a career going. I do also have the JLPT N1 certificate as well.

One major issue I am running in to is my location, which leads me to request remote work. It takes me over 1 hour by train to get to Tokyo station. My wife and I may move closer to Tokyo, but we are trying to avoid doing so for now. It would be amazing if I could find work that could make use of my English skill (teaching, translation, anything.) Since remote is so rare here, I would settle for work near Tokyo station or perhaps in Yokohama. Remote work for a U.S. based position could also be great.

I know I haven't provided the full picture, but if anyone has any recommendations, please let me know. The only thing I don't have that I have been considering is some sort of translation school's certificate. I would prefer to just get more work experience, even if I worked 100% for free for some time.

Another thing is that I recently have not been to any in-person or virtual networking events. Perhaps I could look more into networking with other foreigners as a potential avenue.

by Kunai_Throw

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